Sodoben pristop do starih avtohtonih vipavskih sort.
Modern understanding about old local wines.
Družinsko, butično vinarstvo.
Vinska klet WIPACH se nahaja v Zgornji Vipavski dolini, natančneje v kraju Lože pri Vipavi. Najdete nas tudi v Vipavi, na Glavnem trgu 2, kjer imamo tudi svojo vinoteko z bogato ponudbo naših vin. V prihodnosti pa nas boste lahko obiskali na naši novi lokaciji v samem središču Vipave, poleg parka Lanthieri, kjer obnavljamo staro gostišče Adria in gradimo novo klet. Smo družinsko, butično vinarstvo. Pred nami so se že naši starši, stari starši ukvarjali z vinarstvom in tako predali svojo ljubezen do trte, vinogradništva in vinarstva na nas. Tako kot naši predniki, tudi mi stremimo k naravi. Stari starši so nas učili, da ne smemo pozabiti, da je treba zemljo spoštovati in ji zaupati. Zato zaupamo v njeno moč, v našo bogato Vipavsko zemljo, ki je prav zaradi same sestave tal in mile submediteranske klime zelo primerna za vzgojo in rast vinske trte. Želeli smo se poistovetiti z dolino, v kateri leži bogastvo naše zemlje, zato smo tudi izbrali ime kleti v povezavi z domačim krajem «Vipavo«, katere prvi prebivalci so bili Kelti. Od tod tudi njeno ime; beseda Vipava izhaja iz dveh keltskih besed: »WIP« (dolina, pokrajina) in »ACH« (skala, kamen), tako da bi v prostem prevodu iz keltščine WIPACH pomenilo dolino pod skalami. Verjamemo v naravne metode predelave grozdja, zato tudi verjamemo v naše vino. Naša vina so pridelana po francoski metodi battônage (mešanje droži v vinu med zorenjem). Na takšen način z naravnimi procesi v vinu poudarimo kremasto teksturo in gladek, intenziven okus. Z mlečno-kislinskim razkisom pa dosežemo mehkobo in prijetno maslenost. Posledično ne uporabljamo nobenih kemičnih enoloških sredstev za uravnavanje kislosti vina. Prav tako ne uporabljamo umetnih arom ter barvil, zato so naša vina naravna ter neoporečna. Pridelujemo tako sveža, kot tudi zorjena vina. Ker smo manjše butično vinarstvo, svoja vina zgolj stekleničimo. Upamo, da ste dobili občutek kdo smo in predvsem, da ste začutili zgodbo, ki jo naše vino pripoveduje. Govori zgodbo o Vipavski dolini, o vinogradih, o naši vinski kleti, o naših tradicionalnih in naravnih metodah dela, predvsem pa o nas in našem prepričanju, da verjamemo v to, kar počnemo in predvsem, da stojimo za tem, kar počnemo.
We are a family-run boutique winery. Already our ancestors were producing wine and they instilled their love for viniculture and wine in us. The name WIPACH is an old Celtic name for our town Vipava. The word derives from two short celtic words, »WIP« (a valley) and »ACH« (a rock) meaning »Valley beneath the rocks«. We aspire to nature. We believe in the traditional and natural methods in winegrowing. Already our ancestors taught us that we must not forget that the land must be respected and trusted. That is why we have faith in its power, in the rich soil of the Vipava Valley, where we cultivate about five hectares of land. We believe in natural methods of processing the grapes and consequently, we believe in our wine. We are certain that the highest quality only goes hand in hand with a complete commitment. The vineyard is the most important investment of every winegrower. However, we all know that a proper vineyard requires its time and that it is necessary to wait patiently for it to ripen and gain in quality. Therefore our vinyards are taken care of with love and dedication. In carrying out the tasks in our vineyrads we use neither phytopharmaceutical agents nor systemic pesticides to eradicate the weeds. We aspire to our wines being natural and people-friendly. In recent years, older vineyards have been joined by new ones. We are currently cultivating about 16.000 vines. Our vineyards are located in the surrounding places and each of them has its own name. Thus, we cultivate vineyards under the names Vrtlaje, Dupeljski hrib, Brajda, Ledina and Kaznink, which is considered to be one of the oldest vineyards in the area, from 1956. In our vineyards ripen elegant white varieties such as rebula, zelen, pinela and welsh riesling. Among the red varieties boasts the merlot. Beside them, you will also find in our collection of wines Rose, sparkling wine Rose, cuvee Vipava White and Orange wine. We pick our grapes only by hand. Our wines are made acoording to the method called bâtonnage. Thus, through natural processes in wine, its cream-like texture and smooth, intense flavour are highlighted. On the other hand, lactic-acid deacidification ensures the wine to be soft and agreeably buttery. Moreover, no artificial flavours and colouring agents are used, which makes our wines natural and safe. Vegan friendly. Some of our wines are aged in stainless steal tanks and others in French oak barrels, barriques, some of them just for a few months, some for a few years. Aging in barrels brings out the fruity aroma and enriches the colour of the wine. Owing to the presence of oak tannin and burning, the wine is more resistant and long-lasting. Being a small boutique winery we only bottle our wines. We hope we have been able to make you feel the story recounted by our wine. It is a story about the Vipava Valley, our vineyards, the traditional and natural methods we apply in winegrowing and winemaking, but above all it is a story about us and our belief in what we do. Please feel welcome to visit us in our wine cellar!